Group Living
About Our Service
This service offers 24-hour support to care leavers, individuals with a learning disability and / or a mental health diagnosis through a person-centred approach. The aim of the service is to provide a safe and homely environment that promotes empowerment, independence and choice, whilst enhancing our service user’s’ daily living skills, enabling individuals to move on to a less supported setting.
Aims and Objectives
- To provide support that is tailored to each service user’s individual needs.
- To empower service users to lead as independent a life as possible.
- To provide services that are anti-discriminatory.
- To provide a service that considers service users preferences, wishes, personal circumstances and individual abilities.
- To provide our service users with support of the highest quality within a group home or bespoke solo placement.
How Do We Achieve These Objectives?
- By working to an individual plan of support that has been agreed with the service user.
- By working with service users to promote and, where possible, increase their independence.
- By treating all service users with dignity and respect.
- By encouraging service users to be involved in the development of the service.
- By ensuring that trained and competent staff provides support.
- By supporting service users to access all community services available to them.
AV Transitional Homes (AVTH) recognises that prospective service users should have the opportunity to choose a home, which suits their needs. To facilitate that choice, we do the following:
- Provide detailed information on the service by publishing a service user guide.
- Give each service user a Service User Agreement specifying the terms of their placement with us.
- Ensure that every prospective service user has their needs thoroughly assessed before a decision on admission is taken.
- Demonstrate to every young person requiring our service that we are confident in meeting their needs as assessed.
- An offer of an introductory visit for prospective service users is offered for planned admissions but unplanned emergency cases are always welcome at any time of the day or night if needed.