• High quality group living accommodation for care leavers aged 16 - 25

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    AV Transitional Homes
  • 24/7 support in a secure environment

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    AV Transitional Homes
  • Supported life skills for independent living

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    AV Transitional Homes
  • Cooking up bright futures for young people

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    AV Transitional Homes

Welcome to AV Transitional Homes

We provide 24 hour supported accommodation to care leavers, individuals with a learning disability and/or a mental health diagnosis aged 16 - 25 through a person-centred approach. A safe and homely environment that promotes empowerment, independence and choice.


  • "I just want you to know I appreciate you all so much. You've done such a good job with all your young people and have honestly changed my life."

  • "Being at A&V taught me all about family values, I've now gone on to start my own family! Thank you A&V"

To Refer a young person to our service, please contact us:

Or call: 0113 5122840